Out of every three companies opened in Brazil, one ends up closing within two years, according to the Survival of Enterprises in Brazil study, conducted by the Getúlio Vargas Foundation in partnership with Sebrae. And that’s not all, because there are numerous other businesses that are PIVOTED every day without even entering that statistic. Lots of action but little direction!
Money, sweat, and sometimes the shedding tears over nothing… We are always chasing WEAK IDEAS, or rather after simple insights without development. Then we agree to spend years and sometimes all of our lives investing in BAD IDEAS simply because we can’t cope with our anxieties. The times of human nature are dear to us nowadays. We don’t have time to wait or develop! On the farm, we have a saying: Those in a hurry eat raw food! Does that make sense to you?
When we are mobilized to do something, when we prepare ourselves by gathering all the facts about what we want to see solved in due time, the Creative Process will take place. There is a lapse of time that our brains need in order to make the connections. To put things together. And you know very well how it is. Who among us hasn’t been challenged to solve a complex problem at night? Spent hours researching, reading, trying and nothing! Exhausted, we fall asleep and it so happens that in the morning we “see” the answer? It’s like magic, right? This illustrates what happens on the mental plane. CREATION IS A PROCESS: CHALLENGE – PREPARATION – INCUBATION – ANSWER.
Incubation is the period our brain needs to give us the answer. And there are two pieces of news: THE FIRST GOOD NEWS is that if we are mobilized, preparing properly, it will give us the answer! THE SECOND is that there is no predetermined time! The brain’s response can happen in seconds, hours, days, years… and we have no control over it. And this isn’t bad news, because as we understand that the time of things isn’t necessarily our time, we discover something fantastic: the sense of ATEMPORALITY!!! Life therefore becomes richer and we become less anxious… The wonder of life continues – we have all the time in the world!
In these times of agitation and hurry, there’s nothing better than listening to Fernando Sabino: “If I can give you some advice, this is it: don’t try to pick the green fruit so that it doesn’t rot in your hand.” What is the purpose of this hurry if “there is time for everything?”.
Is there any precious fruit rotting in your hands? There’s still time. Focus on what really needs to be done. In your restlessness carefully map all the FACTS. Then give your brain some time to work and be prepared for the next step. ENLIGHTENMENT!!! See ya!